Convert Text File To Adif

Convert Text File To Adif

This second file format, referred to as ADX, references the same Data Types, Enumerations, and Fields as are referenced by the original ADIF file format, now referred to as ADI. Development If you would like to discuss the specification, request a change, or report errors, please join the ADIF Developers Group. Selecting File Import ADIF from Amateur Contact Log allows you to import data into your general log. After selecting this option, a Windows Open File form will appear. Use this form to navigate to the file you wish to import into your log. When importing an ADIF file, the imported records are appended to your existing log. LogChecker can be used to convert Amateur Radio log files to a Cabrillo format and to convert Cabrillo log files to an ADIF format. The LogChecker currently supports the following file formats: ADIF, CT v8, v9, v10, STF, TR Log, EDI, ARRL, MixW, ADX, MDB, DBF, Excel (.xls), any comma and TAB or white spaces delimited files. This program converts a plain text file resembling (to a limited extent) a hand-written station log to widely used ADIF (Amateur radio Data Interchange Format). Originally, I named it SmartLog, to emphasize my program's outstanding position among hundreds of other ham radio utilities. Then I realized there were some 30-60 other 'smartlogs' hanging.

Adi file converter

Convert Text File To Adif

locked Re: N1MM Logger+ EXPORT ADIF <STX> - <STX_STRING> MISSING #n1mm

ProgramCsv to adif

Adif To Cabrillo Converter Program


You are basically correct. Technical BS follows.

What the user seems to want is the string that was in the exchange field before logging the QSO. N1MM does not store the string that was in the exchange field. Rather, it parses it out into individual elements and stores them in separate columns in the database.

Cabrillo export is always in the contest of a single contest. There are classes for all the various contests and these classes include methods that assemble the individual fields back into a string to meet the Cabrillo specification (this is simplified, but close enough). A contest class is always already instantiated when you Generate Cabrillo.

ADIF exports can span multiple contests. The export code simply creates the WHERE clause for the SQL to return the QSO records wanted and passes it off to an ADIF file printing routine. In order to get the columns required and the information in the correct order to recreate the original exchange field you’d need to instantiate an instance of every contest class you came across in the QSO rows processed AND you have the include all the “special” code in the Cabrillo routines to process contests like ARRL SS.

Since all the raw fields are available already and there is IMO, zero value to recreating the way you may or may not have typed the exchange (SS allows entry of the elements in almost any order) I don’t think John or I see this as worth the effort required to redesign enough code to do it right. No one wants to make a hash.



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From: []On Behalf Of Ken McVie
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2020 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [N1MM+] N1MM Logger+ EXPORT ADIF <STX> - <STX_STRING> MISSING #n1mm

Not sure what the problem is here -- when I import an ADIF contest file from N1MM into my normal logger program Logger32, all fields are imported -- contest name, SRX, STX, RSTS, RSTR. This all happens automagically!!!
Maybe I don't understand what is being asked here!

Hello everybody,
I confirm what Jeff K6QCB says (thanks!!)
and I also add that when I export the field STX STX_STRING to CABRILLO, that is, the RST report string is present in its entirety.
So if it is present in EXPORT CABRILLO, somewhere it must remain registered and therefore also in ADIF it should not be as complicated as described.

As you can see in the photos of some contests where the STX and STX_STRING fields are present as both 'as numeric' and 'as string' fields...

and the same for all other cabrillo exports....
In my Home Made LogBook (Wlog2000) I link these 2x2 fields STX, SRX, STX_STRING and SRX_STRING in 4 lines only of code, both in export and in import if they are present.
Even in the N1MM+ EXPORT in CABRILLO it warns me that [THE EXPORT FILE WILL BE USED WITH FIELD xxx] in the start window...
I think it takes very little to insert this field also in the ADIF export, I don't see what problem there can be. If it does not exist, which does not seem, it would be enough to open a window to insert the FIXED export FIELD for STX and SRX or STX_STRING and SRX_STRING.

Where then a very simple command assigns the STX or STX_STRING

<<IF IsNumeric(field) then goto 'STX' else goto 'STX_STRING'>>

But don't tell me to import in CABRILLO, which is a standard for contest and not for data exchange between different software born precisely as 'Amateur Data Interchange Format' and not anto as CABRILLO from Trey N5KO as say 'use in the submission of contest logs'.
As we well know it can be done with a simple ascii/txt editor with find&replace or with third-party applications, such as ADIF MASTER to add/mod fields, yes, but why not make it easier to export and import complete data in your general logbook appliant to ADIF formulations directly in to N1MM+?

Thanks for a consideration with best wishes to all STAYSAFE STAYHOME... ;-)

Convert Cabrillo To Adif

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